He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed.
- Psalm 107:29

"In oceans deep my faith will stand/
I will call upon your name/
And keep my eyes above the waves/
When oceans rise/
My soul will rest in your embrace/
For I am yours and you are mine."
- Hillsong United, Oceans

Friday, May 11, 2012

7 quick takes Friday (Vol. 5)

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!

Wow - it's been a looong time since my last 'quick takes'. Since anything, really. Nothing much has been going on here although I am starting to feel the anxiety and reality of the fact that in just a few months I'll be heading out west to start a totally new adventure. I'll be moving to a place of abject poverty, recently discussed in the New York Times, out in the middle of nowhere, working with young people who have have had to deal with more crap than I probably ever will. It's starting to hit me now that I'm booking plane tickets and actually having to think about what I'll be taking with me. Let's just say it's put me in a Bon-Iver-listening, lots-of-tea-drinking, leave-the-curtains-down, French-level-angst kind of a mood.

Where are all the pine trees?!?! Where's Starbucks???!!!

Take that, Loki, you big jerk!

In other news, I saw The Avengers! It felt so good to just veg for a couple of hours with the superhero hotties of Marvel. And it was actually, surprisingly hilarious. There were so many unexpected comedic moments, though plenty of gravitas when needed. Robert Downey, Jr. was his usual awesome self, Chris Hemsworth was his usual hot Australian self, and Captain America was even more '50s-Americana than usual, but, trust me, it worked. Seriously, go see it. You won't regret it.

Speaking of Chris Hemsworth, are you all as excited as I am to see Snow White & the Huntsman? Probably not. Although, I must confess, I really wish I could just see the Hunstman.

Get thee behind me, Kristen Stewart!

Also speaking of Snow White, everyone should watch "Once Upon A Time"! I realize it's kind of late if you haven't started because the season finale is this Sunday but I know that episodes are up on Hulu. I know it seems like it would be kind of cheesy but it really isn't. Honestly, next to Mad Men, it's one of the most thoughtful, interesting shows on TV. Which, as you've probably surmised, I've been watching a lot of.

I don't know if you've seen these awesome posts on modesty and the young Catholic lady but they've really pushed me to think more deeply about what I wear. Even though the weather here can best be described as "I-now-understand-why-it's-called-New-England", I've started my summer wear search. (I'm taking it on faith that summer will actually arrive eventually.) It's always tough for me because I am little curvier than average so what may not be revealing for the typical girl, is extremely so for me. I'll probably post something on this once the sun comes out, but let me know what you all think!

I like to have fun with what I wear, though I am always careful not to get too carried away with labels and whatnot. Here are some great "street style" blogs from all over the world that show some really lovely looks (some not-so-lovely) that can give you some ideas. They've been really helpful to me in terms of figuring out what works and what doesn't for my body type.
Garance Dore - she's pretty well known and has a great eye
The Sartorialist - a little more up-scale but still awesome
Sea of Shoes - this girl knows her shoes and color schemes
Gabifresh - curvy doesn't mean you can't look chic!
Saks in the City - french but the pictures are what matter, lol
Lookbook - people can post their own pictures from all over

Also, check out my Pinterest there on the sidebar! I have an album of modest yet cute clothes so I'm always on the lookout.

Also - this was on TV last week and you need to see it.

Looks like my time is up for now! I leave you with two cute and interesting videos from the interwebs:

There is hope for humanity yet if we can still produce moments like this.

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